Automotive component characterisation
Finden provides analytical insight to the automotive sector. This includes understanding the ageing of components that arise because of deposit formation. We use an array of surface and bulk techniques to fully understand the chemistry of deposits on and within pistons, filters and other components. The case studies below show examples of where CT has been used to visualise deposit formation.
Case studies include:
Pistons – Neutron tomography of pistons at IMAT
A team of scientists from Finden Ltd (Dr Stephen Price, Dr Simon Jacques and Prof Andrew Beale) in collaboration with Infineum UK Ltd (Dr Nathan Hollingsworth, Dr Matthew Irving) have used IMAT to help understand where and how coking occurs on engine components. This understanding will help develop more durable, fuel efficient lubricants..
μ-CT Investigation into the Impact of a Fuel-Borne Catalyst Additive on the Filtration Efficiency and Backpressure of Gasoline Particulate Filters
Finden, working with Infineum UK Ltd. and muVIS (Uni. Southampton), used micro-CT to quantify the beneficial effects of a fuel borne catalyst on the back pressure and filtration efficiency of a gasoline particulate filter tested under real world conditions.
Read more about our team and publications.