Faraday Conference – ECR Themes
16 November 2021
Session: Advanced X-ray and Neutron techniques
Dr Stephen Price is an Industrial Research Fellow with the University of Sheffield, and will be presenting at the ECR day of the Faraday Institution Conference 2021. He will present an overview of the advanced X-ray and analytical techniques Finden has been developing, and how these can be applied to better understand the structural origin of the improved electrochemical performance of the novel cathode materials being developed by the FutureCat project (https://futurecat.ac.uk/), led by Professor Serena Cussen.
This session focuses on the increasingly popular application of X-ray and neutron-based techniques to analyse, image and characterise batteries and their materials. These include both central-facility-based research and analysis that can be performed in university labs to improve the performance and safety of battery technology.
For more information visit https://faradayconference.org.uk/programme/ecr-themes/