Spatial and Temporal Visualization of Polymorphic Transformations in Pharmaceutical Tablets

Graphical abstract

Our Senior Scientist Stephen Price has been working with Julia Gasol Cardona, Iain Oswald (University of Strathclyde), Daniel Markl (CMAC), Andy Maloney (CCDC – The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre), and teams at DESY, ELDICO Scientific AG and ESRF – The European Synchrotron on a project where X-ray Diffraction Computed Tomography (XRD-CT) has been used to reveal pressure-induced phase transformations in pharmaceutical tablets of glycolide as a function of compaction pressure. This novel application of the XRD-CT methodology enables non-destructive molecular level insight and is a step change in the way we are able to view formulated products. In the broader context of pharmaceutical research, the application of this methodology to pharmaceutically relevant systems will enable a deeper understanding of the effect of tableting pressure on the formulation in pharmaceutical products. Read the article at