Spatial and Temporal Visualization of Polymorphic Transformations in Pharmaceutical Tablets

Our Senior Scientist Stephen Price has been working with Julia Gasol Cardona, Iain Oswald (University of Strathclyde), Daniel Markl (CMAC), Andy Maloney (CCDC – The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre), and teams at DESY, ELDICO Scientific AG and ESRF – The European Synchrotron on a project where X-ray Diffraction Computed Tomography (XRD-CT) has been used to […]

4th STORMING Consortium Meeting in London

We were proud to host the 4th STORMING Consortium Meeting in London on the 11th & 12th September. It was wonderful to meet up with the consortium members and share new insights on the project. STORMING will develop breakthrough and innovative structured reactors heated using renewable electricity, to convert fossil and renewable CH4 into CO2-free H2 and […]

Obtaining parallax-free X-ray powder diffraction computed tomography data with a self-supervised neural network

Finden’s latest work with UCL Chemistry, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Dyson School of Design Engineering at Imperial College London and Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) has been published in a new paper by Hongyang Dong “Obtaining parallax-free X-ray powder diffraction computed tomography data with a self-supervised neural network” in npj Computational  Materials.  This study introduces a method designed to […]

Film about our RSC Chemistry Horizon Sir George Stokes Prize

The Royal Society of Chemistry made a short film to celebrate our Royal Society of Chemistry Horizon Sir George Stokes Prize with Sciad Communications and Cambridge FilmWorks. The piece was filmed at the Research Complex at Harwell, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and our joint recipients at the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY in 2023. Here we speak about our […]

Our Chemical Imaging and Tomography training course 2024 is complete

Our Chemical Imaging and Tomography training course in collaboration with The University of Manchester is complete and we’ve had a wonderful time with our participants. Over the course of three days, our expert instructors guided learners through a comprehensive overview of this cutting-edge technology.  Students learned the fundamental principles, covering current instrumentation, and how these […]

Happy International Women’s Day

We are so proud of our #WomenInSTEM for their work with us at Finden. We would like to feature Antonia Bobitan our PhD student who has just completed experiments for her Storming EU Project at the DESY synchrotron. “We’ve been doing some pretty cool stuff here at DESY beamlines P21.2 and P07, from magnetic induction heating […]

Chemical Imaging and Tomography Training Course 29 April – 1 May 2024

Jumpstart your understanding of advanced chemical imaging & tomography with our three-day course organised with the University of Manchester. Learn about the fundamental principles, current instrumentation, and how these approaches are applied using the scattering and spectroscopic methods with emphasis on X-ray diffraction computed tomography (XRD-CT). The course includes a 1 day introduction to scientific […]

Filming with Sciad Communications and Cambridge FilmWorks

  We were so thrilled to have Sciad Communications and Cambridge FilmWorks at the Research Complex at Harwell, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory today to talk to us about receiving the Royal Society of Chemistry Horizon Sir George Stokes Prize. We spoke about our work on the development and application of X-ray diffraction computed tomography to image […]

Congratulations on passing your viva Hongyang Dong!

Congratulations to our PhD student Hongyang Dong who has passed his viva! Hongyang has finished his PhD at the Chemistry department in UCL! He holds MSc degrees in Scientific Computing and a BSc in Physics from UCL. His involvement spans various computing and spectroscopic projects, such as “Developing an intelligent chemical reaction generator” and “Time-correlated […]

Our Senior Scientist Dr Stephen Price receives poster prize at the Faraday Institution Conference 2023!

The Faraday Institution 2023 Conference was held on the 11th-13th September 2023 with over 500 delegates attending. One of the highlights of the event was the poster sessions and we are delighted to share Dr. Stephen Price was one of the winners of a poster prize. The judges said Dr. Price’s poster “Probing the hierarchical […]